Starting Small

Friday, March 10, 2017
If you're anything like me, you've thought something along these lines when it comes to family history.
I have young kids and no time (I have 3 kids under age 5!)
I am busy with work
I don't know much about my family
I have 8000 photos on my phone (literally) and don't know where to start
I haven't journaled in years
I don't have a lot of extra money
It's overwhelming
I don't have much experience with family history
I don't have time to sit at the computer and do hours and hours of research

All of these thoughts had gone through my head at one time or another, and they all led me to one decision:
I will just have to do my family history at another time in life.
Until very, very recently this was my thought process. I felt guilt for not doing my family history, but just resigned to the fact that I'm busy and it will have to come later.


That constant tap, tap, tap feeling kept coming. My ancestors have been knocking on the door of my heart and I just couldn't keep it closed any longer.  Have you felt that?  It's still and small, but it just keeps happening. A sweet, small tapping on your heart. That's your ancestors trying to get you prepared to start something. Anything.

Here's the conclusion I've come to: We can do this NOW! With young kids running around, zero extra time and no experience. We can do it!  It's all about priorities and starting a little at a time. Something very, very important that I've learned is that we don't have to do our whole family history right now. All that matters is that we're trying! Sister Wendy W. Nelson said something so profound about this. She says,

"The Lord will provide everything we need to be successful in doing this work,
including the inspiration, the information, the energy, the answers, the proxies, 
and even the time and desire.
All we have to do is ask & show that we are serious in wanting the help."
(bold added)

That's what this is all about. Showing the Lord that we are willing, despite our current circumstances, weaknesses, or inexperience. He will provide the way if we but step into the work, however small that step may be.

(Photo via @familysearch on Instagram)

xo, Kayleigh


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"The Lord will provide everything we need to be successful in doing this work,
including the inspiration, the information, the energy, the answers, the proxies,
and even the time and desire.
All we have to do is ask & show that we are serious in wanting the help."

Sister Wendy W Nelson
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